Where Does The Name Bethany Come From?

Bethany is a village on the south eastern slope of the Mount of Olives, less than two miles from Jerusalem, remembered by Christians as the home of Mary, Martha and Lazarus in the New Testament. Jesus lodged there after his entry into Jerusalem, and it was from Bethany that he parted from his disciples.

Today the place is known as El Azariah, meaning “Place of Lazarus”. It is reported that the modern village was centered on the cave that was associated with the raising of Lazarus which had become an early pilgrimage site. For centuries visitors have been shown the house of Mary and Martha and Lazarus in the present location.


What Is A Lutheran?

A Lutheran Christian is someone who believes the truths of God’s Word, the Holy Scriptures, as they are correctly explained and taught by the Lutheran Confessions. To do so is to confess the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The central focus of the Lutheran Church is “justification by grace through faith.” We stress the Biblical teaching that people are justified, or put right with God, only by God’s undeserved grace which no one can earn or deserve, but which can only be received by faith.


Who Is Jesus?

For more than two thousand years people have asked the question, “Who is Jesus?”. For those of us who were not around when he was on this earth, we have the record of his birth, life, death, and resurrection found in the Bible. God’s Word enables us to find the answers.

So – Who Is Jesus?

Jesus is the Son of God.

Old Testament prophets spoke of His coming and described the eternal and life-changing impact He would have.

Jesus is both God and man.

He stilled the seas and walked on water. With a touch of His hand, he cured incurable diseases. He restored life to those who had physically died.

Jesus is Love.

He paid the ultimate price for us, by His death on the cross and resurrection from the dead, so that we could live with Him forever.

He loves us in spite of every hurtful thought, every harmful word, and every wrongful action. These are all a result of sin, which contaminates everything we do. It is behind every broken home, every empty life, every infirmity, every damaged emotion, every sorrow and grief. And as the Bible says, the end result of sin is death. But Jesus Himself was sinless; only He could pay the penalty for our sins.

Because of his love, He suffered, died, and rose again for us. Because of Him, we are forgiven. All who believe in Jesus have eternal life with Him forever in heaven.

“One Solitary Life”

He was born in an obscure village
He worked in a carpenter shop until He was thirty
He then became an itinerant preacher

He never held an office
He never had a family or owned a house
He didn’t go to college
He had no credentials but himself

Nineteen centuries have come and gone and today
He is the central figure of the human race

All the armies that ever marched
all the navies that ever sailed
all the parliaments that ever sat
and all the kings that ever reigned

have not affected the life of man
on this earth as much as that…
one solitary life

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